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Category Archives: environment
Environmental monitoring in Ghana
On 10th July, the workshop was visited by guests from the Norwegian Institute of Marine Research who are doing field work in Africa from R/V Dr Fridtjof Nansen. Tor Ensrud gave a presentation of monitoring activities performed from the Nansen in Ghanaean waters. He showed pictures and impressive video clips from the prototype of a sampling rig equipped with ROV and 3-5 grabs. Some of the pictures can be seen at the IMR website.
Temperature towards the deep waters

Annual surface temperature according to oceanographic data in World Ocean Atlas (WOA09).
Oceanographic data are showing hight temperatures in the tropical surface waters. However, the striking geographical differences become less when the measurements are taken in the deeper parts of the water column. Click this link to see a rough picture of how temperature changes towards the deeper layers.
(The animation was made by EW with Reiner Schlitzerands ODV and converted to a Windows Video File.)